Overcoming Hurdles - Connecting CNN with LSTM

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Overcoming Hurdles - Connecting CNN with LSTM

There are times when even after searching for solutions in the right places you face disappointment and can’t find a way out, thats when experts come to rescue as they are experts for a reason! Thats what happened to me when I was trying to find a way to feed CNN features from visual modality to be fed in to LSTM layers to be then processed sequentially.

Given my input is of tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length, 112, 112, 5] I needed a way to pass each time step tensor of shape [112, 112, 5] to my VGG-M model to extract features. Here [112, 112, 5] represents a group of 5 sequential frames in a lip video and 112 is the dimension of image frames.

After searching for reasonable amount of time how to implement this in TensorFlow and not finding a way I decided to give Keras a try. There exists a layer wrapper called TimeDistributed which does exactly what I wanted i.e apply a layer or operation in a time distributed manner to a sequential input. Here’s are some links on usage of that:

But since whole project was meant to be implemented in TensorFlow, using Keras wasn’t really an option. After seeking help from my mentor, he suggested me using a tf.map_fn. This API repeatedly applies the callable function to a sequence of elements from first to last. A possible implementation will look something as below:

inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[batch_size,sequence_length,112,112,5] ,dtype = tf.float32)

def CNN_features(lip_images):
    with tf.variable_scope('CNN_features'):
        # define VGG-M CNN model here
        return features # shape=[batch_size,sequence_length,512]
lip_features = tf.map_fn(CNN_features, inputs, back_prop=True,
                         swap_memory=True, dtype=tf.float32)

But there is a caveat in this approach. The swap_memory parameter controls swapping memory between GPU and CPU and may lead to performance bottleneck during training and inference.

Another better approach suggested by him was to use tf.reshape. This would avoid the performance issue caused earlier by using tf.map_fn. Finally I decided to apply the latter approach and a possible usage would look like below:

inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[batch_size,sequence_length,112,112,5] ,dtype = tf.float32)
inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, shape= [-1, 112,112,5]) # reshaping into [batch_size*sequence_length,112,112,5]

with tf.variable_scope('CNN_features'):
        # define VGG-M CNN model here
        return features # shape=[batch_size*sequence_length,512]
features = tf.reshape(features, shape = [batch_size,max_sequence_length,512]) # this will reshape a tensor back to batch_size as first dimension.

The final extracted features are now compatible to be fed in the LSTM layer.

And this concludes a blog. My next blog will be on creating data input pipeline using tfrecords and the newly released tf.data API.

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