I am a final year undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur fascinated by Machine Learning and A.I applications. I like to contribute to open source projects related to deep learning, and participate in machine learning competitions. let’s connect and contribute to open-source world of AI :sunglasses:

Find me on GitHub: ajinkyaT


  • Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (2015 - 2019)
    B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

Stuff I like to play with:

  • Data Analysis and Visualizaion: Excel, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
  • Machine Learning: Scikit-learn, SciPy
  • Deep Learning: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch
  • Natural Language Processing: NLTK, SpaCy, Rasa Stack (open source conversational AI)
  • Computer Vision: OpenCV, Skimage
  • Database: SQL, PostgreSQL
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub
  • Other: Linux, Shell Scripting, Flask (App hosting, API)